That Nigeria is threatened by multi-faceted challenges, with insecurity very prominent on that list is trite. That this escalating insecurity is clearly gnawing away at the already very taut threads of our nationhood...
NAS Organogram
This year’s 2016 Citizens’ Summit is designed to raise awareness on participatory governance and ensure the electorate understands that their role goes beyond casting and defending their votes during...
#OurVotesCount… Beyond Campaign Promises!
This year’s 2016 Citizens’ Summit is designed to raise awareness on participatory governance and ensure the electorate understands that their role goes beyond casting and defending their votes during...
Keynote Address presented at the Rivers State Security Summit
Keynote Address presented at the Rivers State Security Summit held at the main hall of the Ministry of Justice, State Secretariat Complex on Wed. April 20, 2016 By Prince Ifeanyi Onochie, NAS Cap'n Distinguished...
Life on the Hard Lane: Succour at last for street children
After years of wandering about and living in deprivation with no one to care for them, succour has at last come the way of street children in Aba, Abia State as members of the National Association of Seadogs (Pyrates...
Brexit: Impact on Ethnic Minorities
A publicity/enlightenment campaign towards the forthcoming town hall meeting. Venue: Woolwich Library, Woolwich SE18 Organizers: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SEADOGS (London Chapters) Objectives: Create awareness for...
Ensuring #OurVotesCount beyond Campaign promises: Education and Awareness for Citizens’ Participation in Governance after elections
Governance by general definition relates to "the processes of interaction and decision-making among the actors involved in a collective problem that lead to the formulation, reinforcement, or reproduction of social...
NAS Charity Red Ball
NAS Charity Red Ball is an annual event organized by National Association of Seadogs to raise funds for humanitarian causes, taking into consideration the prevalent issues of society at the time. The event is also used...
Scholarship Scheme – Abuja, FCT
In line with the National Association of Seadog’s thrust to support education, especially of disadvantaged children, the National Association of Seadogs Zuma Deck (Federal Capital Territory, Abuja) has designed a...
Electricity Tariff Increase: The Monopoly, Ineptitude and Misery
On February 1, 2016, the Nigerian Electricity Regulation Commission (NERC) approved a nationwide implementation of a 45% increase in electricity tariff. To this effect, an average Nigerian family will spend an...
2016 Federal Budget: Fiddling While Nigeria Burns
The Nigerian media space has been recently suffused with trivia and jokes about the 2016 Federal budget. At first it was “missing”, then “padded”, and later “found”. This unfortunate...
Water Borehole Project – Umalokun, Delta State
NAS marked its annual Umalokun Memorial in hournour of its members killed by the police in 1983 by commissioning a borehole Water Project for the Police Station at Ozoro, Umalokun, Delta State, Nigeria. The project was...